‘So powerful is the light of Unity’
Building a vibrant community in York
Who we are
The Baha’i Faith is a worldwide religion based on the teachings of Baha’u’llah (1817-1892). A central theme of the Baha’i Faith is that humanity is one family bound together in a common destiny: a global society.
What we do
Baha’is are committed to cultivating vibrant communities by developing capacities for service and fostering true friendships with all people, founded on mutual support and cooperation.
Get involved
A vibrant community is one in which the spiritual and material progress of all members is considered and everyone feels a sense of belonging and purpose. Anyone is welcome to join our activities!
Children’s Classes
The aim is to build a strong moral framework that will assist children to achieve excellence in material, intellectual, health and moral aspects of life. Much like a young tree, children will grow and develop in whatever way they are trained and according to the influences they experience. The classes encourage children to recognise their own nobility and the inherent nobility of their friends. The children acquire knowledge and moral capacities which they can integrate into their everyday lives
Junior Youth Groups
The junior youth program is a globally developed social and economic development initiative that began some thirty years ago in a number of countries around the world. Its purpose is to empower young people to contribute effectively to the advancement of civilization. Today there are junior youth groups in every part of the world.
Study Circles
A study circle is a small group that meets at least once or twice a week for a few hours, usually in the home of one of its members, to study the course materials. The materials include passages from the Bahá’í writings related to specific themes and acts of service. Together participants think about the application of these passages to their individual and collectives lives.
Service and worship are at the heart of the pattern of community life. Spaces for prayer and meditation are important to carve out in our demanding lives in order to reflect on each day and turn our hearts to higher goals.